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    Installation of Technology

    Installation of Technology

    One aspect of remodeling that is sometimes overlooked is the need to adapt workspaces for the increasing level of technology required by businesses to stay current. Not only must the redesign consider today’s technological needs, efforts must be made to provide the flexibility to be prepared to adapt for the next technological breakthrough.

    Offices, warehouses and manufacturing areas must be wired to accommodate computers, networks and video systems. Smart devices will change the way people work in ways that can only be imagined.

    Schafer Brothers Remodeling will call on their extensive experience to provide you with services that will enable you to adapt to the technological needs of today and tomorrow. They will assess your building’s current status and develop a plan that addresses the areas of concern, working within your budget and focusing on your priorities.

    Schafer Brothers Remodeling provides many services needed to update your building’s technological infrastructure including:

    • Design & Layout Work
    • Office Remodeling and Partitioning
    • Building-Wide Rewiring
    • Upgrades to High-Efficiency “Green” Fixtures
    • Electronic & Video Installations
    • Installation of Electronic Water Saving Wash-Up Stations & Water Saving Fixtures
    • Installation of Electronic Sensor Systems for Power Savings
    • Building of Conference Rooms & Clean Rooms
    • Warehouse Modernization

    Click on the photos to the right to read more about building improvement projects Schafer Brothers Remodeling has tackled.

    Schafer Brothers Remodeling offers quick and easy project financing to assist you in getting the renovations you need at prices you can afford!

    Financing Available